Real Fit Mom Fitness Challenge sponsored by Nyisha & Nicole- Arbonne Consultants


The kids are back in school and it’s time to focus a little bit of time on ourselves.     We will help you find time to work out and show you how to eat smart, control your portion sizes and find healthy snacks.  We will also be sharing fun activities to do around Tampa Bay to get you and your family out of the house and burning off energy and calories!

Thank you so much to Arbonne by Nicole for being our Diamond Sponsor for our summer challenge.  She is going to help all of us learn to eat better and teach us about the different Arbonne products.  There is NO pressure or requirements to purchase products.


1. Who can join?

As long as you’re a female, you can join!  Sorry guys, you’ll have to follow along on the Real Fit Mom Facebook page.

2. How does it work?

The challenge is run through a private Facebook group.  Everything you need will be in there. If you go to a gym or have a workout you enjoy, you are all set to go. If you’d like help finding a workout, we will help you. Each week you’ll receive a tip, motivation, healthy recipes and/or a daily challenge you can complete if you like. I will have pop up challenges as well where you can win fun prizes (water challenge, food journal challenge, etc).  We do have meet ups but you are not required to attend.

3. Is there a fee?

No.  You will have an opportunity to purchase a meal plan or workout plan if you choose.

4.  How do I join?

Simply fill out the Registration Form.  Once you submit it, you will receive a welcome message with the link to join the group. Click to join and you will be admitted into the group.  Registration is open until September 30th and spots are limited!

5.  What will I get out of the group?

Immeasurable and positive support to pursue a fit and healthy lifestyle, motivation, inspiration, fitness coach (that’s me!), healthy recipes, fitness humor, new friendships and powerful personal development.!

6. Will people be able to see my posts in the group?

No.  The group is set to “closed” while registration is open.  Once registration closes, the setting will be changed to “private.” My fitness groups are NEVER public.  Sharing posts and pictures to anyone outside of the group is strictly forbidden and cause for removal from the group.

7. How long does the challenge run?

Each challenge is 60 days.  This one runs from September 24th to November 22 nd and registration is open until September 30th .

I am so excited for this challenge to begin and can’t wait for you to meet my incredibly amazing, fabulous, over-worked and under-paid staff of wonderfully dedicated admins.  I couldn’t do these challenges without their help!

 Who’s ready to get fit and healthy?!

Legal babble– Real Fit Mom is not responsible for any injuries that may happen during the challenge.  Kathryn (aka Real Fit Mom) is not a certified personal trainer or nutritionist (just a mom who has been on her fitness journey for nine years and is passionate about helping others).  There is no guarantee.  If you put the work into it, you will get the results out of it!

Lower your expectations and see yourself rise

When I received my Fitbit (a gift from my fitness challenge moms) I set my goal at 10,000 steps a day just like many others. But over the course of a few months, I realized I was barely getting 4,000. A few weeks ago, I lowered my goal to 5,000. I’ve hit that goal multiple times, sometimes doubling it. Last Wednesday, I joined Powerhouse Athletic Club, the sister gym to Powerhouse Downtown Tampa. After the first day, I reset my goal to 6,000. Today, I reset it to 7,000. By lowering my goal I was able to reach it. In reaching my goal, I made a new one. Then another new one. I no longer feel like a failure, never reaching that 10,000. I now feel more motivated, more inspired and more challenged. 

I have to laugh because I added a friend who is a hard core runner to my Fitbit friends list. I was embarrassed always coming in last for every challenge she invited me to. Until one day. We were talking about it and she said she adds me to help motivate me- even though there are some days she’s hoping that I’ve forgotten my Fitbit and I’m not really only at 1200 steps. That one statement from her made such a profound difference to me. It made me work harder.

I started writing this post after I began to fill up my garden tub. I’d also just synced my Fitbit and saw I was over 7400 steps. “I can top that,” I thought. So as the tub filled, I ran in place…until my husband opened the door. He’s gotten used to me walking while I’m doing dishes, jogging while watching TV and running while the tub is filling to get some last minute steps in. It’s still embarrassing to get caught sometimes, though 😉 I know I won’t hit 10,000 today but knowing I beat my goal by over 1,000 steps makes me feel pretty damn  good. Wanting to smoke my current goals and striving to beat new ones is an amazing feeling. 

If you are struggling with your goals, reassess them. Make smaller, more attainable ones. Then watch what happens when you start hitting them. Do you, be you.

Queen of Yeah, That Too

I am the Queen of Excuses. I am also the Queen of Procrastination and Cheat Day. If Elizabeth I can rule 3 countries, I can, too!! But I’ll save the latter 2 for another post.

My fitness moms are aware of my “no excuses” attitude. Some are so afraid of my ruling that they email me, afraid they will disappointment me when they are sick. Sheesh, I didn’t think I was that tough!! I always tell them to listen to their bodies and serious illnesses are legit excuses.

But do I follow my own advice? Shit no. I’m the queen dammit!! But that’s going to change. I am a leader and need to act like one. My biggest issue is scheduling. My family has a sort of schedule. Like my daughter, back to school today, has to be dropped off at 7:15 and picked up at 2:30 Monday-Friday. She also has dance 5 days a week but every day has different times. But, every week is the same. My 19 year old and I have set times for our classes. Aside from that, it’s usually total chaos.


I’m home all day. I have plenty of time to get most or all of my to do list done. But I have no structure. One of my admission from our last challenge tried to help me. I need an assistant- who will work for free.

My biggest issue is my ADD. I can’t even sit down to make a plan because it’s too overwhelming.


I can. I just have to clear the table, clear my mind, put away all electronics and make someone sit with me to keep me on task.



excuses are just that- excuses. We need to overcome them and provide solutions so we can tackle and complete our tasks. My #1 priority is scheduling workout time. When I get my butt in gear and get the details worked out I’ll share them. I know I’m not the only one who deals with this!!

No more excuses. It’s go time!!

I suck…..BUT I never stop fighting!

I suck.

I suck at blogging. I suck at working out. I suck at eating healthy. I suck at getting challenge prizes out on time. I suck at running fitness challeges.


BUT, I never give up.  I never stop fighting.

Scroll through my blog titles and you’ll see so many that read, “Day 1.” “Day 1 again.” “Starting over,” “Starting over again,” “Starting over again, again….”

What you’ll never read is, “I give up…and mean it.” I’ve “given up” or “quit” but only in a moment of frustration. I’m sitting on my bed after spending an hour on Facebook drinking a protein smoothie and my first cup of water because the last thing I did on Facebook before I made myself get up was add the new weekly post challenge to our fitness challenge group encouraging them to eat healthy, exercise and drink more water. Yeah, that was a long sentence. I encourage my mom’s every day to do their best but I don’t. How can I expect them to give it their all when I don’t? Because I suck.

It took me two years to lose 25 lbs. TWO YEARS!!!!! Why? Because I’m lazy and unmotivated. Because I suck.  I see pictures labeled “January…….March” and see such a big difference in those women in just three months. I think, “Wow, if I’d gotten off my ass that could be me.” But I don’t. Because I suck.

Today I’m getting up. Today I am finishing my 64 oz of water and eating right. Today I will even finally do Day 2 of Bikini Body Mommy…..while everyone else is on Day 36. I can still catch up. 😉 Today, I don’t wanna suck.

Today I will send out more emails to potential sponsors. Today I will mail out the rest of the prizes with lots of apologies (I’m sooooo thankful to have such understanding fitness moms) (okay, it may be tomorrow). Today I will not suck.

Tomorrow, well, that’s for tomorrow. Tomorrow I might suck. Hell, I might wind up sucking today. It’s only 10:30 and I have a long to-do list. It’s much easier to sit here on my phone. But, today, I don’t wanna suck.

I think of all of the people who can’t get up and do.  But I can. Today, I will do my best not to suck, for them. Today, I don’t wanna suck.

Let’s not suck today!!!!!

What do you suck at? How do you make yourself get up and be not sucky?

Fitness bullying. Don’t be an asshole.

Bullying comes in all forms and it only seems to be getting worse.  Deciding to get yourself fit and healthy is a personal decision, one that is made by you, for you.  You’re excited.  You’re especially excited when you start noticing positive changes.  So, you share your happiness on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.  For others who know what you’re going through or have been in your shoes, you’ll see comments like, “That’s awesome!”  “Keep up the great work!”  “Way to go!”  I love seeing these.  These are your “people.”

You don’t expect to be bullied by haters.  They are probably too lazy to get up off of their fat asses, or they may have self esteem issues and just want to bash others to make themselves feel better.  You, know, the ones who say, “You don’t need to lose weight” or “Why do you have to post every time you workout?” or “Oh, look, Katie is at the gym again, shocking.”

I’ve seen friends APOLOGIZE for posting about a 5k success, or going to the gym, or losing 5 pounds or skipping McDonald’s and eating a healthy, homemade snack.  It’s YOUR social media page!  It’s YOUR life!  If someone makes a nasty comment on a post or sends you a private message because they are too chicken shit to call you out in front of those who support you, delete the bitches.  Block them, message back for them to unfollow you, or click the option to hide them when you post about getting fit and healthy.  Whatever you do, don’t let them bring you down.  And never, ever, EVER apologize for posting your fit and healthy successes no matter how big or how small they may be.  Ever.

Never. Ever.

12472372_10209102213099248_5029504665586219505_n  I ignored the haters!!!

If YOU are one of these assholes, STOP.  Who are you to tell someone if they need to lose weight or not?  Are you their doctor?  Nope.  Why do you think it’s your business to say something negative because she ran her first 5k or beat her previous time by 30 seconds? It’s not.  Yes, she posted it out there for all to see.  But, she posted it because she wanted to share something positive.  I can almost guarantee no one posts something so others will leave nasty comments.  Would you tell her to her face that you don’t give a flying flip that she just squatted 100 lbs?  Would you tell her to her face that you’re tired of seeing her post her before and after pictures?  Yes?  Good for you.  If not, don’t say it while you’re hiding behind a computer screen shoving Twinkies in your mouth.   If you don’t want to see other people’s successes, unfollow, unfriend or just keep scrolling.  Unless you were born under a rock, you have to have heard the saying, “If you can’t say something nice, don’t say nothin’ at all.” -Bambi movie

This is why I run my TBMG Real Fit Mom fitness challenges in a closed group.  So women have a place to feel comfortable to post whatever they want and know that they won’t be put down or ridiculed.  If they want to share on my RFM Facebook business page, I encourage that.  Even better, if they share on their own page. But not everyone is comfortable doing that.  Those that do, often get crapped on.

If you have a weight problem and glare at the screen when you see your friend post when she reached a goal, reach out to her privately.  Or join one of the hundreds of weight loss Facebook groups.  Many of them have thousands of women in them so the chances of you knowing someone in there is slim.  Start by making small changes in your life, starting with not being a bully when someone else is trying to get fit and healthy.  Focus on you, not how others are doing.  Everyone is different.  We all have different goals, challenges, reasons, stories, set backs, successes and desires.  Find yours.  Just make sure it’s a positive one and one for you.


I am not you. You are not him.

In the fitness world, we are like snowflakes.  No two people trying to lose weight, build muscle, eat healthy are exactly alike.  We have different bodies, different goals, different loves (and hatred) for various forms of exercise and eating.

I love taking walks. I love fun 5k runs (except I walk them).  I’m learning to love lifting.  I love dance fitness DVDs, some of the P90x videos and I now tolerate Brazil Butt Lift about twice a year….for a few days.

I have friends who absolutely do NOT want to weight lift.  For some, they fall under the “I don’t want to look like Arnold” misconception but for many, they just don’t wanna.  I have friends who have to go to the gym and they LOVE to go to the gym.  Some of them can run on the treadmill for an hour.  Some love the different classes.  Some love the weights.


I have friends who hate any form of cardio.  Some of them love to lift weights, some just don’t exercise at all- in any form.

We are all different and I respect each of my friends, their goals, likes, dislikes and opinions.  I even respect the ones who choose to lead unhealthy lifestyles.  They know how I feel.  If they want to jump on the bandwagon, I’ll pull them along myself.

Our fitness movement is growing every day.  Let’s not allow social media to start a war within ourselves- “they” love to do that.  Look what they’ve done to moms and politics.  Let’s band together, learn to love each other, learn from each other, support each other no matter how we choose to get fit and healthy.

Don’t break down others because they don’t share your opinion.  Share your love, share your passion, share your tips and share your advice.  You might just change someone’s perception.

I don’t have time

“I don’t have time.”

This is the biggest excuse I hear.  I even tell myself this same thing sometimes.  Most of us are legitimately busy.  I get it.  But it’s an excuse.


Even though my 22 year old is at college, I still have to take time for her.  She called me last night needing to talk and instead of sitting in my room, I walked around outside.  My 2nd one is also at college- I’m going with her.  We take the stairs instead of the elevator every day- 3 flights.  Then I walk down 3 flights outside then back up 2 for my second class.  When we are studying, we’ll take 5 minute breaks to go on a quick walk or I’ll do some little strength training exercises.

My youngest is a dancer.  When she was little I was right there with all of the other preschool parents with my face pressed against the glass.  But now that she’s older, I’ll either go home and go on a walk or walk around the building at the studio with some of the other moms.  There’s no reason for me to sit on my ass for hours watching her (although I do every once in a while).  I know she’s safe.  She’s not going anywhere.  Might as well make good use of my time for me.

Most of us have to cook dinner, right?  While you’re waiting for the pot to boil, do some push ups against the counter, walking lunges down the hall or squats in front of the stove.  Jog in place.  I step in place when I wash dishes, wait for the tub to fill or the shower to get hot.  You know kids are never ready when we want them to be.  While you’re standing at the door loaded down with their backpacks while they find a missing shoe or book, do some calf raises or squats.  Got a little one at home?  Strap them on and do squats and lunges.  Use them for bicep curls or shoulder lifts.  Stick them in a stroller or in a bike seat and go for a walk or ride.  At a theme park?  Use your time in line doing push ups or tricep dips against the railing.  Do squats with a kid, lunges or slightly inconspicuous calf raises.  Who cares if other people look at you funny.  You’re not getting fit and healthy for them.  You’re doing it for you.  Plus, you’re never going to see them again anyway.  And if they happen to take a video of you to post on their Facebook?  Jokes on them.  YOU are doing something positive to make your life better.  Standing in line at the store?  Same thing.  Use your time wisely.

No time?  Too busy?


I’m a full time mom of 4, part-time college student, lead admin for Tampa Bay Moms Group, I run fitness challenges, blog, drive my kids all over town, am a semi-crazy dance mom, former baseball/soccer/volleyball/track mom, full time wife of a work-at-home husband who travels, and a whole bunch of other crap I’ve forgotten.

You CAN find the time.  You just have to want it bad enough.

Slow and steady!!!

The first picture is from last fall but I’m still damn proud.  I hit 153.3 in the spring of 2013 after being rear ended.  It took about a year to get and stay under 140 lbs and another year to hit and stay under 130.  During our last 2 challenges, I maintained my weight staying in the 129-131 range.  We began a new one about two weeks ago and I saw 126.6 for the first time in several years.

12235133_10208085194714424_1057883123288829991_nI told my husband, yesterday, that I no longer walk with my head down, hiding myself.  I walk through parking lots and stores with my head held high.  I’m learning to love myself, both inside and outside, more and more every day.  I’m not perfect and I never will be.  My body has been through five pregnancies and births.  I’ve been broken and bruised.  I get older every day.  But I fight to make myself a better person and fight myself to love me.

I’m not where I want to be but I’ll get there.  I decided, yesterday, to cancel my WBFF goal.  I’m not ready mentally or physically.  I may never be ready.  If I do a fitness show, great.  If I don’t, I’m not going to beat myself up about it.  It takes extreme dedication and I’m just not there right now.  I may never be.  But I’m not a failure.  I push myself a little more every day.  I’ll get to where I want to be on my own time.  Right this minute, I’m extremely happy with how I look today.  I’ve even become comfortable enough without primping before taking pictures- no make up and I’m pretty sure that’s what my hair looked like when I woke up.


Work hard, take things slow, learn to love yourself and never give up.  You will get there eventually. ❤


Making a fitness goal…while eating a taco

Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know.  But it was a chicken taco, homemade.  Ok, Old El Paso homemade but at least it wasn’t Taco Hell which I’m proud to say I haven’t eaten in over a year.  Yuck.

And I only ate one even though I wanted three.  Fortunately my son went back for seconds and ate them all.

I should also confess that I had a slice of pizza for lunch.  Again, I only had one slice where I used to eat two or three.  Everything in moderation!  About an hour later, I really wished I’d had tuna, though.  :/

I started out great this morning.  But that’s pretty much how every day begins.  I had a protein shake, probably not the best one but it beats Coco Puffs and whole milk.  Hey, I’m making changes.  I use Publix vanilla protein powder, Quaker Oats oatmeal and reduced fat Peter Pan crunchy peanut butter (which I bought to make pb&j sandwiches but decided to cut out bread).

Back to my goal.  It’s the same goal I had last year but didn’t come close.  I want to compete in the WBFF (World Beauty Fitness and Fashion show).  My friend, Gina, competed a couple of years ago and won her pro card.  Yes, it would be awesome to win, but my goal is to walk on the stage and not fall on my ass or look stupid.  That’s all I want.

full.jpg  That’s Gina on the right.  Talk about motivation!!!

I know what I have to do.  I know the workouts needed, the coaching I’ll have to get and the foods I will need to eat.  I think I can do it.  There are 113 days until the WBFF comes to Tampa.  Time is running out so I need to put the pizza and tacos down and get busy.

Gina posted a promotional picture for the WBFF a couple of days ago and I liked it.  Today, I went back and commented on it.  I admitted out there for everyone to see that I wanted to do it this year.  About the same time, my friend, Connell, posted a picture of himself at a gym stating that he’s committed to better health.  Having someone who has their pro card believe in me and seeing Connell make his commitment is motivating.  Earlier today, I had a discussion in a group about restless leg syndrome.  A mom told me that once she started exercising regularly, it went away.  That’s motivating. (If you don’t have RLS, consider yourself lucky.  It sucks and is one of the reasons I was induced 2 weeks early with Maggerina Ballerina– shameless plug).

12924393_10209373992805964_753306302817983983_n.jpg   Love this guy!!

Getting rid of my “fat” jeans and pants was motivating.  I don’t want to ever need those again.  I’m not fat but I have fat I don’t want anymore. I have a lot of muscle to build.  Like, a LOT a lot. That’s motivating.  I run fitness challenges and need to be a positive roll model for my fitness moms.  That’s motivating.  So here’s my public announcement (again) that I want to compete in the WBFF on July 23rd, 2016 in Tampa.  Feel free to hound me on my Real Fit Mom Facebook page (like and follow!).  I check it throughout the day so I’ll see your comments and messages.  Are you ready?  Let’s go!!

Now go away so I can get my P90x done for today.  🙂


What are your fitness goal?  What’s your motivation?  

How do you see me?

A dear friend of mine and a Tampa Bay Moms Group fitness challenge participant posted this article in our group this morning- On Concern For Your Fat Friend’s Health from the blog, Your Fat Friend.  It’s a little long but well worth the read.  I’ll admit I skimmed it the first time but took the time to sit down and read it again.  Really read it.

I’ll be honest.  Many times I do see overweight people as being fat.  Just like I see a black man as a black man.  I see a bratty kid as a bratty kid.  An old, white lady as an old, white lady.  Yes, they are different people underneath but you can’t see that when you look at them.  Read a book and you’ll see the words an author uses to describe someone.  They describe the way they look first.  Throughout the book, you learn to see the real person.  I’ll also be honest in saying that there are times I see overweight moms and want to tell them about my fitness challenges.  But I don’t because I don’t know them or their circumstances.  I’ll also admit that I am able to see beyond that.  There was a woman standing in CVS last week and I first noticed how pretty she was.  Then I noticed her weight and I wondered if others could see past her weight and see the beauty of her face.  And there is more than that.  She could have an amazing personality….or she could be a first rate bitch.  You can’t tell by looking at people on the outside but we can’t walk around getting to know every single person we see on the street and the outside is what we see first.


As a society we judge.  It’s not right, but we do it.  We look at pretty people and assume they know they are pretty and sometimes we hate them for it. What we don’t know is that they may look in the mirror and see an ugly person wishing they were pretty. There was a mom who I didn’t know that joined my Real Fit Mom closed group on Facebook.  She was always posting about going to the gym and how much she could squat.  She annoyed me.  She annoyed others.  I can’t speak for everyone but for me, I sneered at her because she was actually getting off of her ass and going to the gym while I sat on my ass on Facebook.  Then I got to know her and I absolutely love her.  My best friend walks with her head held high, she’s confident and people assume she’s a bitch.  I’ve been walking behind her and have heard catty women say it flat out.  But, she’s one of the sweetest, caring people I know.

We look at (ok, I’ll just say it) fat people and automatically assume that if they’d just exercise and eat healthy that they will lose weight.  We look at them and assume that they aren’t healthy.  But, as the author of the above blog post states, that’s not always the case.  Just because someone has extra weight, doesn’t mean they aren’t healthy.  Even if they are, it’s not our business to tell them, or our right to judge them.  Chances are, they already know.  That’s between them and their doctor.  Furthermore, not everyone CAN lose weight.  I have two family members who used to be thin.  Both, for different reasons, gained weight but right now, neither one can lose it no matter how hard they try because of health issues.  Your Fat Friend may not be able to lose most of her weight like many others, but there are thousands who can.  I see it every day in fitness groups on Facebook filled with women from all over the world.  Most of them do it with time, exercise, healthy food, persistence and a shit-load of motivation and drive.  I’ve seen children do it as well.  Not everyone has to be fat but for those that do, don’t look at them and assume they are going to die because they are fat.  Chances are, they could have better cholesterol and lower blood pressure than you do.


I decided to read a few other posts from Your Fat Friend and found The Divine Liberation of Calling Myself Fat.  She knows she’s fat and she’s comfortable with it.  She can joke with her close friends about it.  She knows she’s healthy, she knows she’s fat and she’s ok.  Other people will wind up hurting her feelings throughout her life, but she’ll get through those moments and most likely blog about it which can be extremely therapeutic.  Not everyone is that secure and we need to remember that.

I believe that, as a society, we are becoming too sensitive about things.  However, I also believe that we’ve become too comfortable hiding behind our computers.  Before you say something online, stop and think if you’d say it to someone in person.  If you would, and if it’s a mean comment, are you saying it because you’re having a shitty day or are you really just an asshole?  Either way, it’s not right but at the end of the day, you have to live with yourself and your actions- whether those are being a nasty person, an emotional eater, a determined fit mom, a pretty fat girl, an ornery old lady or a black guy wearing Harry Potter socks.